Requirements: Android O/S : 1.6+
Overview: RPG Adventure in the Caribbean as Pirate or Trader!
- RPG System with 3 Aptitudes and 20+ skills
- Sail the Caribbean in any of 20 different historical ships
- Customize your ship with more than 20 different improvements
Pirates and Traders is still in development and the next couple of months will see a lot of new additions to the game including new factions, new ships, and more storylines.
Compared to the free game, "Pirates and Traders: Gold!" is ad-free, and adds 3 additional starting ships (pinnace, coastal barque, fluyt). Future versions will add additional perks.
Follow us on Twitter: @MicaByteS
Questions and comments? Visit the game's forums at
NOTE: Developers cannot respond to comments on the Android market. If you encounter a bug that really bothers you, send an E-mail. For suggestions or help, use the game forums. Thanks to all the people who have contacted me by e-mail with bug reports.
Do you miss the version 1 game play of Pirates and Traders? Then "Pirates and Traders: Retro!" is for you. Enjoy!
P.S. You do not NEED to restart with every update.
IMPORTANT: If you have a savegame that Force-Closes when loading - CONTACT US BY EMAIL - and do NOT delete the savegame. Contacting us will allow us to give you instructions regarding how to send us the savegame and makes it much more likely that we can find and fix the error.